So, having setup the old camper and sent mom and the kids off to swim (88 degrees is way to cold to get me in the water anymore) I began cooking. Out little propane stov ewas sizzling away when one of my daughters, Mya, came running up with a very puzzled look on her face. Here is about how the conversation went...
Mya: "Papa! Papa!"
Me: "What?"
Mya: "I found a frog."
Me: "So..."
Mya: "It's in the toilet."
Me: "What?"
Mya: "I was going potty and when I flushed I saw something spinning in the potty. It was a frog!"
Me: " did it dissapear."
Mya: "Nope."
Me: "It's still in the toilet?"
Mya: "Yep."
Me: "Do think you should go fetch it? Kind of seems it won the lottery still being there. After all you DID pee on him."
See Mya, Natty and the potty frog below.
A fine trip was had by all. Even the flat tire on the way home. I got soo far off the road (thanks to a hole in the highway fence and a slope too steep to safely return to the highway) that we had a chance to explore the backroads around Connel, WA. VERY interestting.
Some things were meant to be.