Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sales and stuff

The only pigs (that we're parting with) that are not in some form or another spoken for are Maggie rose and a couple of unregistered boars (we're not going to register them).

We actually have a 2 piglet breeding pairs as well...almost forgot. THESE WILL BE THE LAST BREEDIN PAIRS WE WILL BE SELLING. We'll have pureblood stock, but with other NW producers coming online, there is no need in us providing both halfs of your breeding operation. If you need refrecnes for additional stock, we'll gladly provide you with them. There are breeders in CA, OR, WA that we've sold stock to who are producing piglets.

If all the plans of the many come to fruition, everyone but Daphne, Toughskins and Bart are heading down the road. We'll have registerable Defender/Prudence piglets about once a year (in the summer) and some crosses in the fall.

We've got a bundle of goats for sale. Some good for milking, some for eating or any of them could be used to tame unruly pastures or brushy areas. Whatever floats your boat :)

Here is the link,