Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fat Albert

Well, he's kind of naughty and doesn't like posing (though he does like a good snuggle)

Here's his pix for those inerested.

Little bit of heaven

Jowel bacon...bacon of the gods!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Funny looking weed eater

Some morning shots of the fat ladies nibbling varous odds and ends.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Quiet evening on the farm

Now I remember why I like it here :)

It's purdy.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Here are the Ladies that are for sale

Here are the bred ladies....
Olivia (Prudence/Majestic Bred to Noble Sam). Not a sibling of Maggie.
Swinehilda, Olivia's Sister, Bred to her 1/2 brother a Majestic Boar. Made great piggies last time!

Maggie Rose (Prudence/Majestic bred to a Noble Sam)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Time for some change

I've got more big, black piggies than i want to chase around right now. So dalanfarm is reorganizing and cutting the herd from 12 breeders to 7. One bred lady is sold, but three more bred sows remain for sale and a boar (i just don't need 5 boars around here!)

We'll still be selling purebred and cross bred LBH out of multiple lines (including the new defender boar line), so we are not going anywhere!

!!The boar (Fat Albert) for sale is not involved in the breedings of the sows (he's a half brother to one of them) so he could be paired with a bred sow (Either Oliva or Swinehilda) and then used to breed her piglets if desired (eventually...but he can rebreed either 'Hilda or Olivia). Hog farm in a box!!

Here's the link to our sale page....


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Speaking of Cute...

Another customer (Luther) has pigs hitting the ground. I'm not sure what he's doing with them, but with his permission I have a shot of his first litter.

Baby pigs are soooooo cute. Farrowing went well, au-natural in the great outdoors.

A customer looking for customers

Kara Sully (who bought pigs form me last year) has a batch of pigs ready to go. If your looking for a pig or two drop her a line at or check out the website

One of her pigs below...cute as all get out!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's kind of ugly

But it's a stack of hay I didn't have to make by hand :)

The old Harobed works great. Still needs some TLC, but picks the bales up and makes a block so not much to complain about.

Funny fact: Harobed is never spelled Harrow Bed. The guy who invented this machine had a daughter named Deborah (which backwards is 'harobed').


Friday, August 6, 2010

Large Marge

One of the ladies showing of her pregant tummy. Month or so to go!

Farrow dates updates

I have been privy to quite a show the last couple of days, so i can almost guarantee fall/winter litters will farrow on or about December 1st. Puts weaning at Feb 1st, or so.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

More pig information

Updated the homepage ( with farrowing dates for 2010 and 2011.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Oh happy day

The old man has been out visiting for a few days. Got a chance to chat, eat at the Longbranch Saloon (Weston, OR). Even did a little farming. After the complete tear down of the baler, it's finally dialed in and making great bales, no turds (failed bales) and I no longer have to creep along in granny gear. The baler of yore is back! Well for now.

Still have some butcher pigs for sale, and a gilt or two if you're in a pinch for piglets now.
